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Updated: Oct 9, 2019

Having an advocate can be a true blessing. There is nothing like having that support system that is consistently and faithfully around for the good, the bad and the outright ugly you face in this journey called life. For some, this advocate is a mom or a dad, for others it is both mom and dad, and for a few, it is a brother, a grandparent or a childhood friend.

For many however, there is no such thing as having an advocate. They are on their own on this journey called life. They are their own advocate with no support system. While many who are walking this path may feel sad, frustrated and lonely sometimes, I am here to remind you, it is okay to be your own advocate!

Instead of feeling depressed, frustrated and sorry for yourself, remember the following key things:

OTHER OPINIONS MAY NOT BE NEEDED IN THE RECIPE – Having a support system that includes individuals other than yourself more than likely will open the door to criticism, disbelief, hurt and distrust. When you have a vision, believe in that vision and know the steps you need to take to bring this vision alive, there is absolutely no room for doubt or disbelief and being your own advocate can and will cut out the unwanted pressure.


TIME WITH YOURSELF IS TIME NEVER WASTED – In the noisy world we find ourselves in today, a world where individuals are addicted to social media, more focused on making friends and always feeling the need to surround themselves with people, we are lacking that intimate one on one time with ourselves. Being your own advocate offers you the opportunity of consistently spending time with oneself. This affords one the opportunity of getting to know themself on a level many will never experience.


BE AN ADVOCATE TO SOMEONE – They say misery loves company, I say the circumstances of life, teaches us to be kind to those going through the exact same situation we are. Because you know what it feels like not to have anyone in your corner, you understand the importance of being there for others. Be an advocate to someone who truly needs it. There is more blessings in giving than receiving. This is what we seek to achieve with this brand - The African Legacy.Visit our shop

to support and help someone less fortunate than you.

PEOPLE WILL SHOW UP WHEN THOSE DREAMS BECOME A REALITY – Even though you may not have a team sitting on the sidelines cheering you on now, trust and believe they will all show up when the dreams are realized. At this point in your life, you would know yourself well enough to know who you would like to keep as part of your support team. The great thing about having the upper hand in choosing who you would like to be in your circle is you stay true to who you are.


Yes, it feels good to hear "I believe in you" from someone other than yourself from time to time but remember it feels even better when that goal/dream is realized, and you know you pushed yourself all the way up there by being your biggest cheerleader!

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